The Brand

LastObject aims to stop the production of single-use items all of us use daily. The brand already contains four different objects. They started by creating the reusable Q-tips and followed it with tissues and make-up removals. Their latest product was a response to the pandemic which caused us to produce huge amount of single-use masks and so there was a need for a solution. Challenging on this project was to work with new platforms. Since the campaigns are usually funded via Kickstarter or Indiegogo I have learned a lot about these two platforms. 

Social Media Marketing

Due to the crowdsourcing nature of the business model a killer marketing strategy for social media was required. Pre-launch efforts were focused on lead collection. Therefore the ads running on Facebook and Instagram were working with reciprocity bias where we offered a free Ebook in exchange for an email. On the launch, the lead campaign contained 17 000 new people in the email list. This was enforced by utilizing the backers from previous campaigns, and by setting up new campaigns targeting a cold market. The retargeting campaigns were set up from Google Analytics and Pixel.

Testing of the Creatives

At every step of the process, I like to work with certainty. Therefore at all times, I test fresh creatives independently from the rest of the campaigns. Although these campaigns are already successful there won’t be forever. By staying proactive and test fresh creatives ahead of time I will find the “hero” combination of the best performing copies, visuals, and headlines. It’s prevention for ad fatigue. I always push my clients into testing the new ideas the be prepared for the change since it is inevitable. This way I am always ready for the fluctuation in the market so my clients can combat it in the best way.



The project focused on gathering as many leads as possible, needs a steady amount of best performing creative combinations. Originally we only had creatives made from online resources, yet during our strategy session, we came up with were very specific concepts that had to be created in-house, to ensure a perfect tailor-made content fitting the needs of individual campaigns.


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